
  • I. Şeflek Selçuk University Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Konya, 42250, Turkey
  • E. Yaldiz Selçuk University Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Konya, 42250, Turkey




Cognitive Radio, Energy Detection, Radio Spectrum Management, Spectrum Survey, Spectrum Usage


Radio spectrum is a scarce source and very significant to measure and monitor. The present spectrum must be exploited efficiently since every new application must be allocated to spectrum. With purpose of using the spectrum efficiently, there are worldwide research efforts on dynamic spectrum access. Among these methods, cognitive radio mostly draws attention. In order to carry out dynamic spectrum access studies successfully, available spectrum must be meticulously analyzed. In this paper, spectrum occupancy measurements between 25-3000 MHz frequency bands were made in three different regions (Selçuklu, Karatay, Meram) of Konya, Turkey in outdoors during six months. Obtained data is presented with graphics. The occupancy ratios are %5.12, %4.46 and %4.19 for Selçuklu, Karatay and Meram, respectively.


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How to Cite

ŞEFLEK, I.; YALDIZ, E. EVALUATION OF SPECTRUM OCCUPANCY AND COMPARISON FOR THREE DIFFERENT REGIONS. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. 40–64, 2018. DOI: 10.4314/jfas.v11i1.4. Disponível em: https://jfas.info/index.php/JFAS/article/view/137. Acesso em: 7 feb. 2025.


