Serie resistance; Shunt resistance; Load resistance; Single-crystalline silicon photovoltaic module; Current; Voltage and Electric power.Abstract
The solar photovoltaic is the important energy for many countries in Africa nowadays. But the quality of the commercial photovoltaic (PV) module is a real obstruction of progress of this energy despite the large availability of solar radiation. The main purpose of this work is to contribute to the understanding of external load resitance (RL) influence on a comercial PV module. Hence, an experimental study is leaded to evaluate the effects of the RL on the output current, the output voltage, the output electric power, the serie resistance (Rs) and the shunt resistance (Rsh) of a comercial PV module. This study has allowed to observe that the behavior of theses five electrical parameters under real condition. Then, the optimum electric power is obtained for the weak RL.
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