
  • L. Özdemir Sakarya University, Department of Physics, 54187 Sakarya, Turkey
  • M. S. Şadoğlu akarya University, Department of Physics, 54187 Sakarya, Turkey



MCHF method, normal mass shift, spesific mass shift, field shift.


Isotope shift effects including mass shift and field shift on the levels for the levels of 3P0,1,2, 1D2 and 1S0 for the ground-state configuration of the neutral tin (Sn I, Z= 50) have been investigated. In calculations, the multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock method within the frame work of Breit-Pauli Hamiltonian has been used. The calculation of isotope effects for tin has been here performed firstly although there are some works on the atomic structure of tin. The results including isotope shift effects on the levels have been discussed, and new energy values have been compared other available works in literature.


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How to Cite

ÖZDEMIR, L.; ŞADOĞLU, M. S. ISOTOPE SHIFT EFFECTS ON THE GROUND-STATE LEVELS FOR NEUTRAL TIN. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 2, p. 692–698, 2019. DOI: 10.4314/jfas.v11i2.10. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jan. 2025.


