landslide, SMR, RMR, Kef Essnoun, limit equilibriumAbstract
The problems related to slope stability in open pits have become increasingly complicated, where the stability of the terraces and embankments have a greater influence on the productivity and longevity of the mine, this instability can cause enormous damage to personnel and equipment. In this work, the stability analysis begins with a fieldwork where we could see the mine plan, the geometry of the steps, their heights, the different geological formations ... etc. In this way we have studied the stability of the steps of the kef essnoun open pit by the applying the rock mass classification systems and the calculation of the safety factor by the limit equilibrium method. The results obtained from the empirical analyze RMR, SMR and the limit equilibrium method is in general the same, where the marl layer is the probable cause of a massive instability.
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