
  • L. Zaoui Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medecine, Unibarsity Batna 2. Algeria
  • F. Z. Kahit Laboratory Research of Soil and Sustainable Development. Department of Biology. Faculty of Sciences. Badji Mokhtar University - Annaba – Algeria
  • M. Benslama Laboratory Research of Soil and Sustainable Development. Department of Biology. Faculty of Sciences. Badji Mokhtar University - Annaba – Algeria



The Algerian Northeast, the surface waters, physicochemical, irrigation.


Wadi Bounamoussa, located in El Tarf (the extreme Northeast Algerian) which has an agricultural vacation. During two seasons (winter and summer), the sampling of surface waters of nine stations along wadi Bounamoussa is analyzed.In order to evaluate preliminarily the pollution of surface water, the study methodology carried out in order to check the current state of water chemistry, its evolution over time and in space depending on the variation of the physicochemical parameters of the water.

The results of the physicochemical analyses of the waters samples of our study area shows that are very poor in soluble and moderately mineralized and accentuated with a neutral appearance require certain precautions such as leaching, which can reduce the yield of sensitive plants and cause slow salinization of the soil hence the need for this research. We got the same order of abundance decreasing for both seasons as follows : Na+> Ca+2 > Mg+2> K+and Cl-> SO4-2> NO3-> NO2-with absence of carbonates and bicarbonates.

The use of graphical water diagrams made it possible to define the dominant ions responsible for the chemical facies of waters and the geological formations at the origin of these facies.The results of the statistical analysis confirm those obtained in the laboratory and reveal, firstly a variability between intra-period stations (inter-site), and secondly, a potential variability between the two periods (inter-period variability).

The physicochemical characteristics of this surface water show that it is appropriate to irrigation and agriculture.


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How to Cite

ZAOUI, L.; KAHIT, F. Z.; BENSLAMA, M. THE ASSESSMENT OF IRRIGATIONAL QUALITY OF SURFACE WATERS IN EL TARF AREA, ALGERIA. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 3, p. 1244–1255, 2019. DOI: 10.4314/jfas.v11i3.13. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jan. 2025.


