Marrubium vulgare L., physicochemical analyzes phytochemical tests.Abstract
Marrubium vulgare L. is a spontaneous plant of great medicinal value due to the presence of secondary metabolites. Our work aims to study the physicochemical and phytochemical profile of this species. The results of the physicochemical analyzes showed that Marrubium vulgare L. has a sugar content of 5.91%, a lipid content of 4.12%, a total fiber content of 6.42%, a water content of 42.42%, an ash content of 17.76%, a solids content of 2.5 degrees of Brix, an electrical conductivity of 4.06 mS/cm2 and a pH of 4.8. Regarding the results of the various phytochemical tests, the latter revealed the presence of catholic tannins, saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids and mucilage in the horehound. However, the absence of anthocyanins, glycosides, quinones, anthraquinones and irroids has been noted.
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