energy consumption, residential buildings, thermal insulation strategies, TRNSYS 16Abstract
Housing in Algeria is experiencing a multi-dimensional crisis: crisis in design (standardization of housing), construction, financing, management, etc., which has a negative impact on user comfort, poor housing quality and high energy consumption.
This article focuses on the study of the impact of different thermal insulation strategies on energy consumption (heating and cooling) of a residential building situated in semi-arid climate (Constantine -northeast of Algeria) using thermal dynamic simulation tool (TRNSYS 16).
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[3] Telilani, I. Isolation thermique de l’enveloppe et son impact sur le confort hygrothermique et la consommation énergétique dans un bâtiment residential. Mémoire de Master. Option ADEV, Département d’architecture, Université Constantine 3, Algérie, 2018.
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[7] Al-Homoud DMS. Performance characteristics and practical applications of common building thermal insulation materials. Building and Environment, 2005, 40: 353–366.
[8] Braulio-Gonzalo M. et Bovea M.D. Environmental and cost performance of building’s envelope insulation materials to reduce energy demand: Thickness optimization, Energy and Buildings, 2017, 150: 527-545.
[9] Yu J. &Yang C. & Tian L. & Liao D. In Kaynakli O. Parametric Investigation of Optimum Thermal Insulation Thickness for External Walls, Energies, 2011, 4: 913-927.
[10] Ucar A. et Balo F. Determination of the energy savings and the optimum insulation thickness in the four different insulated exterior walls, Renewable Energy, 2010, 35: 88–94.
[11] Gasparella, A., Pernigotto, G., Cappelletti, F., Romagnoni, P. & Baggio, P. Analysis and modeling of window and glazing systems energy performance for a well-insulated residential building. Energy and Buildings, 2011, 43:1030–1037.
How to Cite
BENHARKAT, S.; TELILANI, I. IMPACT OF THERMAL INSULATION STRATEGIES ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS IN CONSTANTINE. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 2, p. 865–874, 2020. DOI: 10.4314/jfas.v12i2.23. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jan. 2025.