
  • N. Messei Laboratory of thin films and applications “LPCM”, Mohamed Khider University, BP, 07000 Biskra, Algeria



CZTS1–ySey; Kesterite; Stannite; thin film; solar cell; graded


The gradual substitution of sulfur atoms (S) by selenium atoms (Se) in Cu2ZnSn(S1-y Sey )4 compounds causes a linear increase in the optical band-gap. For this reason those compounds are suitable to implement band-gap engineering in compositionally graded solar cells. In this paper, we have worked to take advantage of this feature to enhance the performances of the basic uniform Kesterite and Stannite CZTS1–ySey solar cells. The influence of Tow grading profile was investigated: fully graded (a) and double graded (b). Fully graded Cell showed better parameters than compositionally uniform cells. In Double graded cells it appeared that front grading had a disruptive effect on solar cell parameters. In contrary back grading ameliorates significantly all cell parameters. As a result, the efficiency of kesterite and stannite cells was enhanced from 9.05 and 5.22% to 16.65 and 15.77 % respectively.


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How to Cite

MESSEI, N. INFLUENCE OF ABSORBER LAYER GRADUAL GAP PROFILE ON Cu2ZnSn(S1-Y SeY )4 SOLAR CELL EFFICIENCY: NUMERICAL STUDY. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 1, p. 385–399, 2020. DOI: 10.4314/jfas.v13i1.20. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jan. 2025.


