
  • A. Dakhia Laboratory LACOMOFA, Departement of Architecture, Mohamed Khider University, Biskra BP145 RP, 07000, Algéria
  • N. Zemmouri Laboratory LACOMOFA, Departement of Architecture, Mohamed Khider University, Biskra BP145 RP, 07000, Algéria




Sustainable building; life cycle assessment; energy optimization; environmental impact; thermal insulation system; recycled materials.


In order to reduce energy consumption of buildings and their environmental impacts, it’s important to improve their energy performance, and to have and evaluate sufficiently reliable multi-criteria tools, to highlight their origins, throughout the building life cycle. Such impacts may be resulting from their construction, during exploit, renovation and at the end of life.

This work relates to a part of this action and seeks to derive results from a life-cycle analysis comparing an office building envelope configuration, located in Biskra, a city south East Algeria characterized by hot and dry climate. Life Cycle Assesment method was applied according to a standardized protocol (ISO14000 &14040), promoting a better understanding of a building environmental impact throughout its life cycle. More, such method, allows designers to make the most appropriate choice (recycled materials, energy systems HVAC) in relation to their objectives.


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How to Cite

DAKHIA, A.; ZEMMOURI, N. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND THERMO-ENERGY PERFORMANCE OF RECYCLED MATERIALS: LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT APPLIED TO OFFICE BUILDING IN BISKRA CITY, ALGERIA. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 2, p. 657–676, 2020. DOI: 10.4314/jfas.v13i2.2. Disponível em: https://jfas.info/index.php/JFAS/article/view/979. Acesso em: 30 jan. 2025.


