
  • O. Halloufi Department Génie Climatique, University of Constantine 1 (Mentouri Brothers) Constantine; Algeria
  • A. Kaabi Department Génie Climatique, University of Constantine 1 (Mentouri Brothers) Constantine; Algeria
  • Md. Chougui Department Génie Climatique, University of Constantine 1 (Mentouri Brothers) Constantine; Algeria



individual house; solar heating and cooling; solar energy; TRNsys; climatic.


There is a growing concern about energy use in Algeria. With rapid building development programs and improvements of the living conditions, building sector is will continue to be a major energy end-user. Main energy needs in buildings are due to heating and/or cooling, depending on local climatic conditions and type of building. In this paper. The primary aim was to analyze in two aspects – heating load, and cooling load of individual house energy consumption in the major climatic zones in Algeria. The individual house used heating and cooling solar system. The system performance was simulated using TRNsys program. This solar heating and cooling system incorporates between 89 m2 and 170 m2 of flat plate double glazed solar collectors provide solar energy contribution during both the heating and the cooling seasons; between 13.28 kW and 25.11 KW single effect, water– lithium bromide (H2O/LiBr) absorption chiller, for space cooling and heating, this system is the smallest solar heating and cooling system in the world.


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How to Cite

HALLOUFI, O.; KAABI, A.; CHOUGUI, M. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF AN INTEGRATED SOLAR COOLING AND HEATING SYSTEM IN INDIVIDUAL HOUSE IN DIFFERENT ALGERIAN CLIMATES. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 2, p. 845–863, 2021. DOI: 10.4314/jfas.v13i2.12. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jan. 2025.


