medina; urban structure; urban morphology; space syntax; GISAbstract
The traditional built environment of the medina of Bou-Saada in Algeria is undergoing harmful attacks, due to an accelerated urban dynamic. The latter having impacts on the life of society. In this study, we questioned ourselves on the preservation of this historic center, and its integration into the urban dynamics of the city, through a syntactic study of urban spaces. The results found highlighted the types of urban spaces that exist in the medina of Bou-Saada, each one undergoes an aspect of degradation, either by the reconversion of several traditional dwellings, total or partial renovation, or, a state of dilapidation. We have found that the characterization of the urban structure is essential to carry out any intervention at the level of the historic centers, in order to assign more precise values to the places, according to the appropriate sociocultural and economic requirements.
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