
  • R. Renane Laboratory of aeronautical sciences, institute of aeronautics and space studies, University of Blida1, Algeria
  • R. Allouche Laboratory of aeronautical sciences, institute of aeronautics and space studies, University of Blida1, Algeria
  • S. Laazab Laboratory of aeronautical sciences, institute of aeronautics and space studies, University of Blida1, Algeria
  • A. Nour Laboratory of engines dynamics and vibroacoustics, UMBB Algeria



Numerical simulation, Diffusion turbulent flame, Combustion chamber, Thermoelastic stress.



The aim of this work is to simulate the thermoelastic behavior of the wall of the combustion chamber of the ALLISON-T56 turboprop under the influence of dynamic loads and turbulent diffusion flame. This work is presented in two sections:  The first step is to simulate and analyze the flame structure and determine for given fuel flow and preheating temperature of fresh gas the behavior of the thermodynamic parameters of combustion. The fuel used in our study is kerosene. The numerical approach is based on the resolution of basic equations of turbulent combustion using Ansys-Fluent software where the turbulence model viscous-SST k-omega is chosen. In the second step, the thermoelastic behavior of the wall of the combustion chamber is simulated using Ansys-Fluent code. A brief reminder is given of the thermoelastic theory.The simulation results are presented and discussed in the last section. A possible modifications are proposed in this study, at the dome wall and also at the combustor dilution holes, with the aim of improving combustion and increasing the service life of the combustion chamber and the engine.The numerical results is validated by the experimental results realized on the turboprop engine Allison-T56 test bench of Air-Algerie Company, a good agreement is observed between the two results.  

Keywords: Numerical simulation, Diffusion turbulent flame, Combustion chamber, Thermoelastic stress


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How to Cite

RENANE, R.; ALLOUCHE, R.; LAAZAB, S.; NOUR, A. COMPUTATIONS OF TURBULENT NON-PREMIXED COMBUSTION AND MODELING OF FLAME WALL INTERACTION. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 2, p. 605–622, 2018. DOI: 10.4314/jfas.v11i2.4. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 jan. 2025.


