centrifugal pump ; spline volute ; radial volute ; tangential volute.Abstract
This paper presents a comparative based analysis on the mechanical behavior of three different forms of volute of volute of a centrifugal pump with a spline, a radial and a tangential type using ABAQUS Software calculation code. The result of the analysis shows that the stress concentration is localized at the volute nozzle for all the three types of forms. This founding is an interesting element as regards to the possibilities of adaptation of a pump to a particular operation. Also it is found that the tangential volute is the least stressed compared to the other two forms. The displacements are more pronounced in the case of a radial volute. These data can be exploited in order to predict the possibility of accidental rupture of this element. From another point of view this can have an indirect influence on the appearance of vibration, noise and fluctuations of pressures and speeds due to the interaction between the fixed part (volute) and the mobile part (impeller).
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Copyright (c) 2022 Sadia Belbachir, Ahmed Allali, Abdelkader Lousdad, Belhadj Boucham, Ahmed Alami
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