
  • K. Mokadem Université de Ouargla, Laboratoire Dynamique, Interactions et Réactivité des Systèmes, BP 511 Ouargla, Algérie
  • M. Mokadem Université de Ouargla, Laboratoire Dynamique, Interactions et Réactivité des Systèmes, BP 511 Ouargla, Algérie
  • K. Benzahi Université de Ouargla, Laboratoire de Protection des Ecosystèmes en Zones Arides et Semi-Arides, B.P. 511, Ouargla 30000, Algérie
  • A. S. Abed University of Baghdad College of Agriculture, Iraq
  • K. Tumba Department of Chemical Engineering, Mangosuthu University of Technology, Durban, South Africa
  • M. Korichi Université de Ouargla, Laboratoire Dynamique, Interactions et Réactivité des Systèmes, BP 511 Ouargla, Algérie
  • I. Benchikh University of oran1 Ahmed ben bella, laboratory of chemistry of materials, oran, 31000, Algeria
  • M. L. Belfar Laboratoire VPRS, Université de Ouargla, BP 511 route de Ghardaia.30000 Ouargla, Algeria




Monoterpenes;, Group-interaction contribution approach;, Goup contribution;, Flash point(Fp);, Prediction


The flash point(Fp) is very important physical property used to estimate the risk of fire and fire hazard of a flammable to avoid the occurrence of fire or explosion, Monoterpenes are a class of terpenes, They have relevance to the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, agricultural, food industries and product principle of compounds volatile, and cause augment  ignition the fire .In this papier, a group contribution and a group-interaction contribution approach are proposed to predict the flash point(Fp) of Monoterpenes compounds, A comprehensive database of 259 composes type monoterpenes, The best performance was observed for group-interaction contribution approach, with an average absolute relative deviation of 1.43% and a correlation coefficient of 0.906 Results also show that both models represent simple and reliable approaches for the estimation of the flash point(Fp).


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How to Cite

MOKADEM, K.; MOKADEM, M.; BENZAHI, K.; ABED, A. S.; TUMBA, K.; KORICHI, M.; BENCHIKH, I.; BELFAR, M. L. A SIMPLE METHOD FOR PREDICTION OF THE FLASH POINT OF MONOTERPENES. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 1, p. 73–85, 2019. DOI: 10.4314/jfas.v12i1.6. Disponível em: https://jfas.info/index.php/JFAS/article/view/499. Acesso em: 30 jan. 2025.


