Solanum nigrum; bioactive substances; preliminary screning; polar solvent; non polar solvent.Abstract
Bioactive substances are responsible for therapeutic properties of the plant in folk medicine. They have actions in the body that may promote good health. They are being studied in the prevention of disease. The present investigation is focused on screening of bioactive substances present in the various parts (leaves, stems, and grains) of Solanum nigrum. Qualitative tests for the presence of phytochemicals in different extracts using solvants with different polarity such as methanol, chloroform, petroleum ether and aqueous extracts. Phytochemical investigation indicated the presence of various groups of compouds including alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, coumarins, sterols and triterpenoids, saponins. Solanum nigrum L. acts an important role in traditional medicine and represent natural source of biactives compounds.
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