Neo-vernacular architecture, Environmental strategies, The El Miniawy brothers; Mixed methods; EnergyPplus simulation, M'sila.Abstract
This study aims to evaluate the 50 duplex dwellings of the El Miniawy brothers in M'Sila, using methods of analysis of environmental strategies in order to verify their application by the architects in the construction of these dwellings. A duplex dwelling was selected to undertake an analysis using a mixed methodological approach, combining a qualitative and quantitative method, some of whose strategies were evaluated using the EnergyPlus software and validated by in situ measurements. The results showed that duplex housing has been subject to the application of the strategies in question. We therefore deduce that the construction is efficient and that it ensures the comfort of the user and reduces the negative environmental impact.
This study could constitute an alternative for architects, building designers, planners and decision-makers in order to encourage them to adopt these neo-vernacular environmental strategies of El Miniawy in the development of similar projects in M'sila, and to launch other projects with a contemporary vernacular character.
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