
  • A. E. Hanafi Department of Architecture, University of Batna 05000, Algeria
  • D. Alkama Departement of architecture, University of Guelma 24000, Algérie



public place;, Saharan city;, arid zone and hot climate, thermal comfort, architectural solutions, vegetation (urban tree)


Outdoor spaces play a very important role in promoting the quality of urban life.” [1]. According to Hanafi, A. (2010) the abandonment of use of the public place of the city of Biskra, is due to the lack of the thermal comfort, which obliges its users to frequent them occasionally [2]. This article is to seek how and by what means to optimize the thermal comfort of the places as very open urban outdoor spaces and existing, with the objective of creating the shadow within these places, that is to say create a mask against the solar rays that cause discomfort and various skin diseases to people [3]. One will try ; to see the possible solutions relating to the form, to the insertion of the vegetation and water... etc. while seeking the appropriate solution for the public places of the city of Biskra / Algeria, by the combination between the measurements of of the necessary climatic factors “in situ” and the simulation by means of a software.


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How to Cite

HANAFI, A. E.; ALKAMA, D. STRATEGY FOR THE OPTIMIZATION OF THE THERMAL COMFORT OF THE PUBLIC PLACES OF THE SAHARAN CITIES. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 1, p. 1–22, 2020. DOI: 10.4314/jfas.v13i1.1. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jan. 2025.


