Knowing the recent evolution and variability of the climate in arid and semi-arid regions is a necessity to anticipate what the consequences on the environments and societies of these regions could be, and thus define sustainable adaptation policies. In this modest work we studied the evolution of rainfall in an arid region. Thus, a good knowledge of the rainfall distribution both in time and in space, is essential to identify on the one hand the critical periods of drought to which the crops are exposed and on the other hand the favorable zones and the zones unfavorable. In this perspective, we have contributed to study the essential element of the balance which is the precipitations by using the statistical treatment and the analysis of the indices of dryness, also we adopted a methodology which is characterized by the Collection of the pluviometric data and creation from a computer database.
The calculation of the indices for the different stations reveals the existence of two distinct wet and dry periods. Drought years are more notable as they can set in for 4 years. There is a decrease in rainfall during this study period but it is also interrupted by other years of high rainfall in certain regions such as El Kheiter and Mecheria. It is as if the further south you go, the more the drought impact is present.
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